Four to Tango: A Kumon Parent’s Pin to Success

It was a 2-Week Free Trial advertisement that came as a sign for Mrs. Gabriel to push her daughter, Emille Angelie, to try Kumon. What started as a trial became a long-term stay and eventually, a deciding factor in enrolling Emille’s younger sister, Princess Victoria.

Eight years later, Emille is now a Math and Reading Completer, while Princess is currently enrolled in the Reading Program and just recently became a Math Completer as well. Indeed, the Gabriel Family’s Kumon journey paved the way to great successes for both Emille and Princess throughout the years.

Deciding to Stay

Mrs. Gabriel believes that enrolling her daughters in Kumon is one of the best decisions she has ever made as a parent.

“With all the traits that Emille and Princess have acquired, such as perseverance, patience, time management, focus, and discipline, I can say that I made the right decision.”

For Emille, she believes that Kumon changed her into a better person. “I am able to manage my time more properly, I became independent, responsible, plus I developed positive thinking and patience.” With this, Emille gained confidence especially when reciting in class and socializing with classmates.

For Princess, she felt happier because she was able to reach her goal. Like Emille, she gained independence, time-management skills, and confidence. “Also, Kumon develops my calculation skills which make it easier for me to understand my math lessons in school.”

Mrs. Gabriel and Her Daughters - Four to Tango: A Kumon Parent’s Pin to Success


Balancing Act

To be enrolled in Kumon means advanced learning in Math and Reading. This held true for the Gabriel siblings since they used a lot of their extra time in studying other subjects in school instead of reviewing their math subject. With this, a lot of opportunities opened up for Emille and Princess. They participated in big competitions such as the Mathematics Team (MTG Philippines) and they maintained being part of the honor roll in school.

“Kumon has opened the doors in order for my daughters to gain much confidence. This is a good foundation for them until they reach college,” Mrs. Gabriel proudly says.

Influencing at a Larger Scale
Gabriel Siblings: Four to Tango: A Kumon Parent’s Pin to Success

The Gabriel siblings share that they have been supporting each other for the longest time – from pushing one another in finishing their worksheets to encouraging each other in joining extra-curricular activities. For Princess, she motivates her sister through telling her meaningful sayings from well-known people. “I also remind her to analyze the stories and questions in her worksheets,” Princess adds. For Emille, she constantly pushes her sister to reach her goals. “I always tell her that no one else will do it for her- she is the only one who can do it for herself.”

There are two pieces of advice that Mrs. Gabriel wants to share with her fellow Kumon parents. First, do not let your children quit Kumon. “As parents, we are the decision makers when it comes to the welfare and education of our children. Kumon is an investment we make for our children’s future.” 

Second, partnership is needed for a successful Kumon journey. “They say it takes two to tango. In Kumon, it needs the teacher, student, parent, and worksheets,” Mrs. Gabriel adds. And so, it takes four to tango – in completing the Kumon Program.



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